Catharsis is proud to partner with companies who looking to make true cultural change instead of simply checking a box!
A workplace culture rooted in positive engagement, inclusivity, and safety is essential to employees feeling supported and having the agency to show up to work authentically. Our corporate training, Train-The-Trainer, and consulting options meet state anti-harassment mandates while offering tools, resources, and support for staff, management, and c-suite employees.
While every corporation or institution is tasked with creating a respectful workplace and doing right by their employees, many are looking for the easiest, quickest fix when it comes to issues like discrimination and harassment. Maybe it’s because they want to check a box and get it over with. Maybe it’s because the issues seem too complex to truly solve. Maybe it’s because leadership doesn’t understand how these issues impact their workforce so they don’t think it’s a big deal. Maybe it’s because money feels tight and extra expenditures for “sensitivity” hurt the bottom line. Whatever the reason, we all know we can do better.
Catharsis Productions can certainly make your efforts easier, but we’re after more than checking a box. We’re after a workplace rooted in positive engagement, inclusivity, and safety. We design and deliver harassment and discrimination prevention programs for all levels of employee, from interns to supervisors and in between. The goal is to provide training that doesn’t just meet federal and state mandates, but keeps employees feeling supported and having the agency to show up to work authentically. We specialize in meeting modern employees where they are and taking them to where they need to be, while helping them understand that harassment and discrimination are not wrong because they are illegal, they are illegal because they are wrong. We produce innovative, accessible, and research-supported programming that shifts behavior and delivers results.
Part of our overall approach centers around a holistic respectful workplace. Virtually no social issue happens in a vacuum. Discrimination based on gender may be related to class as well, and sexual harassment may also be related to race or ethnicity. We acknowledge and address the intersectional nature of the issues while clarifying the necessary mandated definitions and examples. We demystify complex or intimidating topics with realistic and approachable conversations using analogies, facilitated discussion, group exercises, and real-life scenarios. This keeps respect at the forefront and makes hard conversations possible.
We offer a variety of programming options, able to be conducted virtually or in-person, intentionally scaffolded to cover important subjects, meet each employee where they are in their career, and help empower them with the tools needed to improve their overall workplace culture.
We possess significant expertise in the content knowledge and the delivery methodology necessary to produce and implement innovative training that successfully engages diverse audiences on the topics of discrimination, harassment, and interpersonal violence. Regardless of format or content, we rely heavily on several key components within all our efforts:
- Audience Interaction – engages attendees and makes them part of learning process
- Research Driven and Supported – remain constantly up to date on findings in relevant fields and regularly evaluate programs
- Subject Matter Expertise – instructors and developers are thoroughly trained and can speak to the issue outside of a script
- Facilitated Dialogue – peer to peer learning is most impactful
- Humor and Accessibility – breaks down barriers and defensiveness
Comprehensive and Aligned Messaging – messages only work if they are reinforced by other programs, materials, and surrounding efforts - Efficacy – consistently survey, research, and consult with third-party researchers to maintain awareness of program impact and adjust when needed
These mechanisms function to create the most impactful curriculum possible and separate the Catharsis Productions approach from others in the field. Hiring external vendors to address complex social issues comes with a myriad of risks to your company. By partnering with Catharsis Productions, you can rest assured knowing you are collaborating with an industry leader who is unsurpassed in terms of past performance, quality, bandwidth, methodology, and audience impact.
Training & Programs
Ready to drive cultural change?
Contact us to learn more about our program offerings.