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Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

The most difficult part of confronting unconscious bias is that we are often unaware that we have one. The idea that we might have biases, and even worse, act on them, makes us feel like genuinely bad people. As a result, we can often hear challenging voices and opinions as personal indictments of our character, not opportunities to reflect, assess, and course correct. The successful implementation of a meaningful DEI initiative will require us to do all three, as we will need to hear sincere critique, and find ways of listening with intention. It is only then that we will be able to improve our workplaces, cultivate and sustain diverse voices, and build a business that is more successful because of the strength of its members

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Take your Unconscious Bias Training to the Next Level

Everyone in the workplace is part of the solution to becoming more aware and creating a culture of inclusion. Contact us to request a free demo and to learn more about this program.

What you will learn:

  • Develop an Understanding

    The role identity-protective reasoning plays in enabling unconscious bias.

  • New Way of Thinking

    The ways in which language frames our thinking about those different from us.

  • Self Reflection

    The diagnostic questions we can ask ourselves and our colleagues to help us critique our own beliefs and their impact.

  • Importance of Language

    The language we can use to give peers the framework to reflect without shame, and foster positive, intentional action.

Be the change you want to see... address unconscious bias in your workplace today!

Unconscious Biases Facts

Building self-awareness is key to reduce and eliminate unconscious bias.

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  • Unconscious biases develop at an early age

    biases emerge during middle childhood and appear to develop across childhood (Dore, 2014)

  • Unconscious biases have real world effects on behavior

    (Dasgupta, 2004)

  • Unconscious biases are malleable-one

    can take steps to minimize the impact of unconscious bias (Dasgupta, 2013; Dasgupta & Greenwald, 2013)

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