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  • Illinois Hires Heroes Consortium

    The IHHC is a group of Illinois employers who recognize the great value veterans bring to the workplace and operationalize the term "veteran-friendly" by committing to implement military veteran recruitment, training and retention practices. Members of the Consortium are Illinois employers who commit to at least three initiatives - one in each aforementioned human resource category.

  • Resilience

    Founded in 1974, Resilience (formerly Rape Victim Advocates) has been on the front lines of working with survivors of sexual violence. We continue to work with survivors of sexual violence. However, our work now addresses the entire spectrum of sexual violence, including harassment, abuse, and prevention, with an additional focus on public education and institutional advocacy.

  • Girlology

    Girlology is a growing national brand with the voice parents trust for age-appropriate, medically accurate, engaging, and cringe-free messages about healthy sexual development. Founded by two physicians (also moms), they provide community-based, comprehensive sexuality education for youth and the adults who care for them. They deliver their health-focused and timely content.

  • Take Back The Halls

    Take Back the Halls is a teen dating violence prevention and community activism program designed to prevent relationship violence among teens and develop young people’s leadership skills. Take Back the Halls gives teens the opportunity to examine issues such as domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexual abuse, as well as the variety of social structures that support violence in our culture.

  • Chicago Ideas

    Chicago Ideas is a unique nonprofit platform designed to inspire action through entertaining and accessible events, grassroots initiatives and thought-provoking content. It is a movement built on one core belief: When a broad spectrum of thinkers and instigators share ideas, we have the power to transform our world.

  • We are HER

    We Are HER provides an outlet for any survivor of sexual or domestic abuse or assault to become HER: healed, empowered, and restored through our online community.

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  • Chicago Foundation for Women

    Chicago Foundation for Women

    Working to make a world in which all women and girls have the opportunity to achieve their full potential and live in safe, just, and healthy communities.

  • Chicago Alliance Against Exploitation

    Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation

    Committed to building a global community free from sexual exploitation.

  • icah

    Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health

    Supporting the sexual health, rights and identities of youth.

  • ValorUS

    Provides leadership, resources and vision to rape crisis centers, and individuals committed to ending sexual violence.

  • NASPA - BACCHUS Initiatives

    University and community based network focusing on comprehensive health and safety initiatives.

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