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College, Sexual Harassment Prevention

Three Types of Harassment Under Title IX

August 19, 2024

Title IX is a powerful tool that helps students navigate their educational journey without the fear of harassment or discrimination. For many, it’s the reason they feel secure walking into class, knowing they’re protected from threats that could derail their education. 

Whether it’s subtle pressure from someone in power or an environment that feels unsafe, Title IX steps in to ensure every student has a fair chance to thrive. 

While the law can seem complex, the acts it condemns generally fall into three main categories. Let’s explore each of them to see how Title IX and, in turn, Title IX sexual harassment and discrimination training, makes a real difference in students’ lives.

students attending title ix sexual harassment and discrimination training

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Quid pro quo harassment is among the most recognizable forms of harassment under Title IX. 

The term “quid pro quo” is Latin for “this for that,” and it refers to situations where someone in a position of power, such as a teacher or coach, demands sexual favors in exchange for something of value, which could be a higher grade, a recommendation, or even just not failing a course. 

For instance, picture a scenario where a professor suggests that a student could improve their grade by going out on a date with them. The student is put in an unfair and uncomfortable position, where they must choose between their academic success and their personal boundaries. This is a clear example of quid pro quo harassment. 

Quid pro quo harassment is not only unethical but also illegal under Title IX. Schools are required to take immediate and appropriate action to investigate and address such claims. If proven, the perpetrator can face serious consequences, including dismissal from their position. 

Hostile Environment Harassment

Hostile environment harassment happens when a person is subjected to unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that is so pervasive, severe, and objectively offensive that it interferes with their ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program. 

This type of harassment can create a climate of fear, anxiety, and humiliation, making it difficult for students to focus on their studies. 

Examples of hostile environment harassment include: 

– Repeated derogatory comments

– Unwanted sexual advances

– The circulation of inappropriate or explicit materials within the educational setting

Even if the behavior isn’t directed at a specific individual, it can still contribute to a hostile environment if it affects the overall atmosphere of the institution. 

The impact of a hostile environment can be profound. Students may experience anxiety, depression, and a decline in academic performance. 

Therefore, educational institutions must recognize the signs of a hostile environment and take proactive measures to address it. This includes offering support services to affected students and ensuring all members of the community are aware of their rights under Title IX. 

Sexual Assault

The third category of harassment under Title IX includes some of the most serious offenses: sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, and stalking. Aside from violating Title IX, these acts also constitute criminal behavior. 

Sexual assault refers to any unwanted sexual contact or activity, ranging from unwanted touching to rape. 

Dating or domestic violence includes any form of abuse—physical, emotional, or psychological—within a romantic relationship. 

Finally, stalking involves repeated, unwanted attention and harassment that causes fear or concern for one’s safety. 

Educational institutions have a responsibility to prevent these types of harassment and to respond swiftly when incidents occur. They should provide resources for survivors, such as counseling and legal support, and implement policies that protect students from retaliation. 

Schools must also guarantee all reports are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly.

Learn More About Student Protection Through Our Title IX Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Training 

If you want to deepen your understanding of Title IX, sexual harassment, and assault prevention, Catharsis Productions offers comprehensive courses led by experts. Our programs are available both online and in person, serving military, workplaces, and educational institutions.  

Contact us today to equip yourself and others with the knowledge needed to create a safer environment for everyone. 

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