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Gender Identity

In the news: Week of 3/31 – 4/6

April 6, 2018

Justice in the #MeToo era is not nearly as swift for federal employees, Washington Post | April 2, 2018 

Illinois law requires cops to take reports for every sexual assault allegation, get training for sensitivity toward victims, Chicago Tribune | April 2, 2018

Bystander Intervention Can Stop Sexual Assault Before It Happens, Teen Vogue | April 4, 2018

How Coded Language And Emojis Are Helping China’s Feminists Skirt Censorship, Huffington Post | April 5, 2018 

Sexual consent is a worldwide conversation, CNN | April 5, 2018

Catharsis Productions

Catharsis Productions' mission is to change the world by producing innovative, accessible and 
research-supported programming that challenges oppressive attitudes and shifts behavior.