- Stanford changes website after victim-blaming accusations
Stanford removes ‘victim-blaming’ online material on women and alcohol, The Guardian | August 24, 2016
- In wake of sexual assault case, Stanford bans alcohol from campus
Stanford bans hard alcohol at campus parties, CNN | August 22, 2016
- Pictures of Chicago’s SlutWalk, fighting rape culture and encouraging body positivity
Photos: Chicago’s SlutWalk Fights Rape Culture And Slut-Shaming , Chicagoist |August 22, 2016
- Study shows Victim-Blaming Statements in Online Comments
Comment Sections Are Cesspools Of Rape Culture, Research Finds , Huffington Post | August 21, 2016
- New Illinois Law will mandate victim-centered training for law enforcement investigators, first responders and 911 operators.
New Illinois Law Aims to Improve Response to Sexual Assault , WTTW| August 19, 2016
Catharsis Productions
Catharsis Productions' mission is to change the world by producing innovative, accessible and research-supported programming that challenges oppressive attitudes and shifts behavior.