Brigham Young University Changes Handling of Sexual Assault Cases
BYU says it will stop honor-code investigations of sexual assault victims , Chicago Tribune | October 27, 2016
Inter-Parlimantary Unions Reports That At Least 1/5 of Women Politicians have been Victim to Physical Violence
Female Politicians Consistently Face Violence, Rape Threats, Huffington Post | October 27, 2016
Members of Parliament in UK Protest Against The Use of the Sexual History of Rape Complainants
Female Labour MPs call for legal change following Ched Evans retrial, The Guardian | October 23, 2016
@guardian @rowenamason
NYT Publishes Victim-Blaming Guide to Protection from Sexual Assault
The ‘New York Times’ guide to protection from assault on a plane is a victim-blaming mess, Mic | October 21, 2016
@Mic @msolis14
Ban on Fraternity and Sorority Parties at University of California-Berkeley
UC Berkeley bans Greek parties after sexual assault reports, CBS News | October 21, 2016
Catharsis Productions
Catharsis Productions' mission is to change the world by producing innovative, accessible and research-supported programming that challenges oppressive attitudes and shifts behavior.