Illinois one of 18 states that wouldn’t limit rape reporting and prosecution.
Justice Is Rare For Rape Victims; One Survivor Is Fighting To Change That DNA Info | October 7th, 2016
@ericademarest @dnainfo
Victim Blaming Rampant in Response to Kim Kardashian Being Robbed
Victim Blaming Kim Kardashian For Being Robbed Is Incredibly Problematic Bustle | October 4th, 2016
@Bustle @new_girl_friday
Oxford Installs Mandatory Consent Workshops for Freshmen Students
University of Oxford makes consent classes mandatory for incoming freshman, MIc | October 3rd, 2016
@Mic @claire_lampen
Chicago Holds Luminaria in Honor of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Photos: Why The Lakefront Was Lit With Beautiful Candles Last Weekend,Chicagoist | October 3rd, 2016
Loyola Students Protest Against Sexual Violence
Students for Reproductive Justice Call ‘Emergency’ Demonstration Against Sexual Violence On Campus, Loyola Phoenix | October 3rd, 2016
Amazon categorized story involving rape scene as “erotica”
This Writer’s Battle With Amazon Reveals a Bigger Issue With How Sexual Assault Is Presented in Media, ATTN | October 2nd, 2016
@ATTN @triciatongco
Derrick Rose’s rape trial started this week.
Derrick Rose’s response to rape allegations helps explain why 68% of rapes aren’t reported to police, Think Progress | September 30, 2016
@linzsports @thinkprogress
Dior’s First Female Creative Director Makes a Feminist Debut
At Dior, Feminism Under the Spotlight, New York Times | September 30th, 2016
@nytimes @VVFriedman
Women in Science, Tech, Engineering, Math Speak Sexual Sexual Harassment in Education and Careers,
Sexual harassment in STEM: ‘It’s tragic for society’, CNN | September 30th, 2016
@CNN @sganim
Vice President Biden Talks #ItsOnUs, Rape Culture with Jimmy Fallon
Joe Biden Spoke Out Against Rape Culture on The Tonight Show, The Cut |September 30th, 2016
@thecut @GMPaiella
Catharsis Productions
Catharsis Productions' mission is to change the world by producing innovative, accessible and research-supported programming that challenges oppressive attitudes and shifts behavior.