Dear President-Elect:
For 17 years, Catharsis Productions has been working to end sexual assault, harassment, racial discrimination and interpersonal violence. In 2017, we plan to keep fighting to create safer communities in our country.
You will take office in a few days and we would like to share the following priorities for the federal government and expectations for our future president that will allow us to continue our important work. We request that you:
- Set a high standard of behavior for our government and yourself. This includes respectful conversations and promotion of tolerance not only when addressing the nation but on a daily basis.
- Continue to support sexual assault and rape prevention on college and university campuses through strong enforcement of Title IX. College should be a safe and positive experience for all students. Education, effective enforcement of the law and support for survivors of sexual assault are critical at our nation’s institutions of higher learning.
- Protect the Department of Defense policies and funding for the prevention of rape and sexual assault in the military. This bipartisan effort was established under the George W. Bush administration and has been instrumental in strengthening our armed forces by empowering military personnel to identify predatory behavior and interfere to support vulnerable members of their community.
- Realize the country is being torn apart by divisiveness. The intolerance and racism that exist today needs to be acknowledged, and then dealt with. It is time we have leaders that don’t just talk the talk of unity, but walk the walk.
- Continue to support federal laws and policies that protect the rights of LGBTQ Americans, fight racial injustice and preserve the rights of women.
We understand that cultural change and solutions to the issues we fight do not happen overnight. We are aware that it requires participation not only from the federal government but also from us, so in return for our requests we commit to continue our work by:
- Inspiring college students to be UPstanders in their campuses and communities and encouraging a culture change to one that holds perpetrators accountable.
- Empowering our military personnel to identify predatory behavior in others and intervene to support vulnerable members in their communities.
- Going beyond checking a box by providing employees with tools to actively build better understanding between individuals and more supportive workplace culture for all.
- Taking trainers and educators to the next level in how they deliver high-impact messaging on social justice issues.
Thank you for considering our views on these issues critical to our mission and to the lives of millions of Americans.
Catharsis Productions
Catharsis Productions
Catharsis Productions' mission is to change the world by producing innovative, accessible and research-supported programming that challenges oppressive attitudes and shifts behavior.