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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Unfortunately, sexual harassment is present in many work spaces. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Regardless of gender, class, race, sexual orientation, ability, belief, or ethnicity, sexual harassment can affect one person or many in a work, learning, or living space.

Creating a healthy environment

Everyone in the workplace is part of the solution to ending sexual harassment and creating a culture of respect. This training will help participants identify sexual harassment and other toxic workplace behaviors. Participants will understand that each individual is responsible for creating a more respectful environment where everyone thrives. Finally, through scenarios and group practice, participants will understand how they can intervene to lessen harm and increase respect.

This training defines the problem, teaches how we can use our power to make a change, and redefines the rules for ending harassment and discrimination so we can make a positive difference.

Get in Touch

Take your Sexual Harassment Training to the Next Level

Everyone in the workplace is part of the solution to ending sexual harassment and creating a culture of respect. Contact us to request a free demo and to learn more about this program.

The Takeaways

The goal of Please Advise is to help your organization create a respectful environment. By the end of this program, participants will:

  • Develop an Understanding

    Understand sexual harassment, microaggressions, and privilege and where they come from.

  • Spread the Word

    Understand how they can personally contribute to a more equitable learning, working, or living environment.

  • Make a Difference

    Understand how we can contribute positively to our community by intervening when we hear, see, or read harassment, discrimination, retaliation, or a microaggression.

  • Develop Awareness

    Walk away with the tools to recognize harassment, discrimination, retaliation, or a microaggression and how to respond in a productive manner to make positive change.

We are meeting people where they are by turning compliance into conversation.

Lice Remote: Catharsis Productions

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